Why You Absolutely Must Check Out BC Stack 2024

Some of you may be familiar with BC Stack. It’s where 65 or so product owners all contribute one of their best products and the package is offered for 1 week at some ridiculous price. This year, the price is $49, but I don’t know what the total value of the package is. However, I…

Turning $500 Into $1 Million… After Taxes… In As Little As 12 Weeks

As you may know, I’m a domainer… a person who buys and sells, as well as buys and holds domain names, capitalizing on market demand for specific domain names. Since only ONE person can own a given domain name at one time, each domain name is a scarce commodity, but some domain names are only…


As I roll into the 100 Day Challenge, part of my intention is to earn at least $1 million in 100 Days. I have no doubt that I will accomplish this, since all that I need to do is “break out the big guns” 🙂 An example of that is… I’ve mentioned that I’m a…

Join Me In The “100 Day Challenge” Where My Goal Is 7-Figures – Let’s Compare Notes And Help Motivate Each Other!

Gary Ryan Blair, “The Goals Guy” just kicked off the 100 Day Challenge! When I last chatted with him, he told me that entry will close out around January 12th, so that’s when I plan to “officially” start tracking my 100 Days. Your 100 days “start” whenever you register or say that you’ve started! Gary…

Do You Respond To Online Reviews Of Your Business?

Here are several reasons why you SHOULD 🙂 Establishes Trust and Openness: Actively engaging with customer reviews demonstrates to potential clients that you highly value their input and are dedicated to being transparent. This approach fosters trust and shows that you are attentive to your customers’ experiences and needs. Enhances Online Presence and Search Engine…